Welcome. If You Feel It’s Time to Get New I Teach How Not-to-Worry About Anything - Money, Health or Future - with New Perspectives and New Approaches.



    Fear, anxiety or pain will be drastically reduced when we understand our spirituality, our eternal nature, and our true purpose on earth.

  • SELF

    Everything starts with the self. When you take that responsibility and that that power, yourself, your life and your world will change for the better.


    We humans are social animals with conscience, that’s why most of us don’t enjoy batched relationships. here we talk about building trusting and lasting relationships.

  • BODY

    Most of us do not have the priority right when it comes to our health. In this series we cover health belief, emotional and spiritual factors that play the critical role and much more.


    Why we work so hard but not happy? There is a path that supports our mental, emotional and physical wellbeing and provides effortless ease and deep satisfaction.


    Let’s talk about money. Most people are trading their time, health and relationships with dollars. What’s the right path, specially in a world that is changing so fast?

About Sophia.

  • I started my career in sales and marketing and then in management and leadership.

    In the last twenty years after moving to the USA, I founded and ran EPM Solutions, a company provided enterprise software and management consulting to many government agencies and large corporations.

    Prior to that, I was in a variety of roles including China Marketing Manager for Audi, Editor-in-Chief for Audi Magazine, a translator for a Korean company as well as for a science institute.

  • I’m a lifelong learner. The theme for the last fifteen years has been personal and spiritual growth. Lately I have gone back to classics written 2500 years ago and found deep resonance. I share some amazing gems of wisdom in all my classes and events.

    In the sense of formal education, I attended business school with a master’s degree and graduated Beta Gamma Sigma. I am also an NLP Master Practitioner, Trainer and Coach. Besides, I studied meditation, hypnosis, and Intuition Development.

  • Once my mom threatened to cut my legs off when she caught me playing once again in muddy water. I was a little girl and thought she was serious, I asked if she could spare part of them so I could still play.

    On a business trip, I used up my food money to buy a beautiful cigarette lighter and ended up starving for almost two days on a train. (no credit card back then)

    My husband and I have the same birthday and we both miss a tooth in the same spot, but we are polar opposites in many ways.


“Be aware the barrenness of a busy life.”

Helen Keller

“We could never learn to be brave or patient if there is only joy in the world.”

Work with me Privately

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Contact us if you have any questions.